Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Beautiful Morning

I love watching the sun rise. It can be a life changing experience. One day I realized that the sun rose after the night. Light comes after our darkest hour. In my life there has been many dark days but the hope for the light is what kept me going. I have to wake up and thank God for giving me a new beautiful morning every day. Think about it...if there was no darkness we wouldn't appreciate the sun. If there were no storms we wouldn't love a beautiful day. Its the same in our lives. Without battles there can't be victory. Without pain we wouldn't recognize joy. Without a fight we wouldn't know our strength. I dedicate this blog to encouraging others and in the process I believe God will heal my heart as well. Lets be encouraged that in the middle of our will bring life. In the midst of our darkest hour...we will bask in the sun again.

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